Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga: The Yoga of Death in Battle: 4 Powerful Examples

Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga March 15, 2025
Reading Time: 6 minutes


In Vedic astrology, war, violence, and combat-related deaths are influenced by the 6th house (enemies and conflicts), the 8th house (sudden death), the 3rd house (courage, battles, and valor), and malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Mandi (Gulika). When these elements combine under specific planetary conditions, they form Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga, a powerful and dangerous yoga indicating death in a battle, violent conflict, or war-related event.

This yoga is mentioned in Sarvartha Chintamani (5/2/26) and is formed when:

  • Mars is the lord of either the 6th or 8th house (governing warfare, conflicts, and sudden death).
  • Mars is conjunct the 3rd house lord, which rules courage, physical strength, and battles.
  • Mars is also conjunct Rahu, Saturn, or Mandi (Gulika) in an evil division (malefic Navamsha or Shastiamsha).

The severity of this yoga depends on:

  • The house placement of Mars and its conjunctions.
  • The sign and strength of the 3rd house lord (which determines the level of combat exposure).
  • The presence of additional aspects from malefic planets like Ketu or Mars itself.

This blog will explore the formation, examples, characteristics, effects, challenges, impact, remedies, and ways to neutralize the dangers of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga.

Formation of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga

1. Mars as the Lord of the 6th or 8th House

  • If Mars is the lord of the 6th house, the person is prone to constant conflicts, violence, or enmity leading to war-related risks.
  • If Mars is the lord of the 8th house, it increases the possibility of sudden death due to combat, battle wounds, or war-related explosions.

2. Mars is Conjunct the 3rd House Lord

  • The 3rd house represents courage, valor, military service, and combat.
  • A strong and afflicted 3rd house lord in conjunction with Mars indicates a warrior-like personality who is drawn to fights, battles, or military roles.

3. Mars is Also Conjunct Rahu, Saturn, or Mandi in an Evil Division

  • Rahu makes the person reckless in battle, increasing the risk of an unexpected or dishonorable war-related death.
  • Saturn causes slow and painful suffering, which could indicate death due to prolonged war injuries or battlefield captivity.
  • Mandi (Gulika) brings hidden, unavoidable karmic influences leading to a destined violent death.

4. Additional Malefic Influences That Can Worsen This Yoga

  • If Ketu aspects this combination, it suggests sudden or secretive war-related death, possibly through explosives, ambushes, or betrayals.
  • If Mars is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the death may be caused by fire, explosions, or war machinery.
  • If Mars is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), it may indicate a naval battle or drowning in war.

Examples of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga Formation

Example 1: Aries Ascendant (Mesha Lagna)

  • Mars (6th house lord) is in the 3rd house (Gemini) with the 3rd house lord Mercury.
  • Saturn and Rahu also conjunct this combination.
  • Mars is placed in a malefic Navamsha (D-9) division.

This placement strongly indicates a death in combat, possibly due to an ambush, explosion, or strategic attack. The involvement of Saturn and Rahu increases the chances of prolonged suffering or betrayal on the battlefield.

Example 2: Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabha Lagna)

  • Mars (8th house lord) is in the 3rd house (Cancer) with the 3rd house lord Moon.
  • Mandi (Gulika) and Rahu are conjunct Mars.
  • Saturn aspects this combination from the 6th house.

This placement suggests a death during war due to secret conspiracies, naval battles, or drowning in combat. The Moon’s involvement suggests emotional instability or being lured into a dangerous mission leading to death.

Example 3: Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna)

  • Mars (6th house lord) is in the 3rd house (Libra) with the 3rd house lord Venus.
  • Saturn and Ketu conjunct this combination in a malefic D-60 chart division.

This suggests death due to betrayal in war, a strategic attack, or assassination in battle. The Saturn-Ketu combination can indicate death in a hidden battle or covert military operation.

Example 4: Scorpio Ascendant (Vrischika Lagna)

  • Mars (8th house lord) is placed in the 3rd house (Capricorn, exalted) with the 3rd house lord Saturn.
  • Rahu aspects this combination from the 9th house.

This placement suggests a high-ranking military officer or warrior who dies in an explosion, fire, or high-intensity battlefield attack. Rahu’s influence may indicate being trapped or surrounded by enemies leading to death.

Characteristics of a Person with Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga

  1. Strong Warrior Instinct
    • The person is fearless, aggressive, and naturally drawn to military, defense, or law enforcement roles.
  2. Reckless and Brave in Combat
    • May take high risks in battles or conflicts, leading to fatal situations.
  3. Prone to Enemies and Betrayals
    • Faces betrayals in wars, military politics, or dangerous rivalries.
  4. Destined for a Violent Death
    • The person may die in battle, assassination, or war-related accidents.

Effects of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga

1. High Probability of Death in War or Combat

  • The person may die in battle, military service, or violent conflict.

2. Increased Risk of Battlefield Betrayals

  • The native may be ambushed, set up, or assassinated in battle.

3. Death Due to Explosions or Heavy Weapons

  • If Mars is strong in a fire sign, the person may die in a fire, explosion, or artillery attack.

4. Heroic but Tragic End

  • The native may gain posthumous honor or recognition for their bravery.

Challenges of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga

  1. Constant Risk of War or Violence
    • The person may always be involved in battles or dangerous conflicts.
  2. Fate Sealed by Destiny
    • This yoga indicates a fixed karmic destiny, making the violent death difficult to escape.
  3. Possibility of Being Killed by Allies or Hidden Enemies
    • The person may be betrayed in war, captured, or assassinated.

Remedies to Reduce the Effects of Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga

  1. Worship Lord Hanuman for Protection
    • Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily for protection in battle.
    • Read Hanuman Chalisa before engaging in dangerous activities.
  2. Strengthen Mars and the 3rd House Lord
    • Wear Red Coral (for Mars) after consulting an astrologer.
    • Chant “Om Mangalaya Namaha” to strengthen Mars’ protective power.
  3. Perform Charity for War Victims
    • Donate food, medical supplies, and support to military veterans to reduce karma.
  4. Avoid Unnecessary Conflicts
    • Be strategic and avoid aggressive confrontations that could lead to unnecessary danger.

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Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga is a highly dangerous planetary combination that increases the risk of dying in battle, combat, or violent war-related circumstances. However, with astrological remedies, wise decision-making, and spiritual protection, its effects can be minimized.By staying cautious, seeking divine blessings, and making conscious life choices, individuals with this yoga can avoid unnecessary conflicts and ensure a longer, safer life.

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