Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga: The Yoga of Sterility in Marriage: 4 Powerful Examples

Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga March 14, 2025
Reading Time: 5 minutes


In Vedic astrology, the 7th house governs marriage, spouse, and partnerships, while Venus represents love, relationships, and fertility. The 6th house, on the other hand, is considered a malefic house, associated with diseases, conflicts, and struggles. When the 7th house lord is placed in the 6th house and conjunct Venus, it creates Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga, a planetary combination that indicates sterility or reproductive health issues in marriage.

This yoga is mentioned in Sarvartha Chintamani (5/2/12) and suggests that either the native’s spouse may be sterile, or the couple may struggle with fertility-related problems. The intensity of this issue depends on:

  • The strength of the 7th house lord and its condition in the Navamsha (D-9) chart.
  • Aspects from malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu.
  • The position of the 5th house (house of children) and its lord.

This blog will explore the formation, examples, characteristics, effects, challenges, impact, remedies, and how to minimize the negative effects of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga.

Formation of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga is formed when:

  1. The 7th house lord (ruler of marriage) is placed in the 6th house
    • The 7th house represents spouse, marriage, and partnerships.
    • The 6th house is a malefic house that governs diseases, disputes, and struggles.
    • This placement indicates marital issues, delays in childbirth, or reproductive challenges for the spouse.
  2. Venus is also placed in the 6th house
    • Venus governs fertility, reproductive health, and sexual relationships.
    • When Venus is afflicted in the 6th house, it can indicate fertility problems, lack of intimacy, or medical conditions affecting reproduction.
  3. Additional Malefic Influences Can Make It Worse
    • If Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu aspect or conjunct this combination, the sterility issue becomes more severe and harder to treat.
    • If the 5th house lord (children) is also weak, the chances of having children become even lower.

Examples of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga Formation

Example 1: Aries Ascendant (Mesha Lagna)

  • 7th house (Libra) is ruled by Venus.
  • Venus is placed in the 6th house (Virgo, debilitated) with the 7th house lord (Venus).
  • Saturn aspects this combination from the 3rd house.

This is a strong Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga. The spouse may suffer from fertility issues, possibly due to hormonal imbalance, reproductive disorders, or delayed conception. Saturn’s aspect adds chronic health problems.

Example 2: Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabha Lagna)

  • 7th house (Scorpio) is ruled by Mars.
  • Mars is placed in the 6th house (Libra) with Venus.
  • Rahu aspects this combination from the 12th house.

The native’s spouse may struggle with reproductive disorders due to hidden or undiagnosed health conditions. Rahu’s aspect increases the possibility of complications or medical treatments for pregnancy.

Example 3: Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna)

  • 7th house (Aquarius) is ruled by Saturn.
  • Saturn is placed in the 6th house (Capricorn) with Venus.
  • Ketu aspects this combination from the 12th house.

This suggests fertility delays or medical complications in conceiving children. Ketu’s aspect may indicate difficulty in diagnosing the cause of infertility or psychological barriers to pregnancy.

Example 4: Scorpio Ascendant (Vrischika Lagna)

  • 7th house (Taurus) is ruled by Venus.
  • Venus is placed in the 6th house (Aries) with the 7th house lord (Venus).
  • Mars aspects this combination from the 1st house.

The spouse may have difficulties related to reproductive organs, surgery, or inflammation-related infertility. Mars’ aspect may indicate aggressive medical treatments like IVF or surgical procedures.

Characteristics of a Person with Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

  1. Difficulties in Conceiving a Child
    • The couple may struggle with infertility, repeated miscarriages, or delayed pregnancy.
  2. Spouse’s Reproductive Health Issues
    • The native’s husband or wife may suffer from hormonal, fertility, or sexual health disorders.
  3. Marital Struggles Due to Fertility Issues
    • The couple may experience emotional stress, dissatisfaction, or conflicts over not having children.
  4. Medical Treatments for Pregnancy
    • The person or spouse may need IVF, hormonal therapy, or medical treatments for conception.

Effects of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

1. Delays or Difficulties in Childbirth

  • The person may struggle to have children naturally and may require medical help.

2. Relationship and Emotional Stress

  • The couple may face relationship problems due to fertility concerns.

3. Medical Expenses for Fertility Treatments

  • IVF, hormonal treatments, or surgeries may be necessary for conception.

4. Possible Adoption or Alternative Parenthood

  • Some natives may opt for adoption or surrogacy.

Challenges of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

  1. Infertility Issues
    • The person or their spouse may suffer from sterility or chronic reproductive disorders.
  2. Marital Conflicts
    • Fertility struggles can create stress and disagreements in marriage.
  3. Medical Treatments and Delays
    • Expensive fertility treatments and delays in conceiving.

Impact of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

  • Delays or obstacles in having children.
  • Increased emotional stress in marriage.
  • Medical challenges requiring long-term care.

Remedies to Reduce the Effects of Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga

  1. Worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi for Fertility
    • Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily.
    • Offer white flowers and sweets to Goddess Lakshmi on Fridays.
  2. Strengthen Venus and the 7th House Lord
    • Wear Diamond (for Venus) or Yellow Sapphire (for Jupiter) after consulting an astrologer.
    • Chant “Om Shukraya Namaha” for Venus and “Om Gurave Namaha” for Jupiter.
  3. Donate for Fertility Blessings
    • Donate white rice, sugar, or milk on Fridays to strengthen Venus.
    • Offer food to poor women and pregnant women for blessings.
  4. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
    • Follow a fertility-boosting diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and herbal remedies.
    • Avoid stress, smoking, and excessive alcohol.
  5. Medical Checkups and Ayurvedic Remedies
    • Seek medical tests to detect fertility issues early.
    • Consider Ayurvedic treatments for reproductive health.

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Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga is a challenging planetary combination that may cause fertility issues, sterility, or difficulties in childbirth. The severity depends on Venus, the 7th house lord, and the presence of malefic influences.However, with medical advancements, astrological remedies, and a disciplined lifestyle, the effects of this yoga can be minimized. People with this yoga should focus on proper healthcare, spiritual remedies, and open communication with their spouse to navigate fertility challenges and find alternative solutions for parenthood.

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