Unlocking the Mysteries of Nakshatras and Zodiac Spans: A Comprehensive Guide

May 3, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Nakshatras, the 27 lunar mansions of Vedic astrology, serve as the backbone of the celestial framework that influences our lives. Each Nakshatra covers a specific span within the zodiac, offering unique insights into personality traits, life events, and even timing for various Vedic rituals and activities. This blog delves into the fascinating world of Nakshatras, exploring their zodiac spans and the profound impact they have on individual destinies.

Understanding Nakshatras and Their Zodiac Spans

Nakshatras are not just stars; they are spiritual and astrological constellations that play a crucial role in electing auspicious times and understanding our deeper nature. Each spans precisely 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac, collectively covering the 360-degree circle of the zodiac.

  1. Ashwini: 0°-13°20′ Aries
  2. Bharani: 13°20′-26°40′ Aries
  3. Krittika: 26°40′ Aries – 10°00′ Taurus
  4. Rohini: 10°00′-23°20′ Taurus
  5. Mrigashira: 23°20′ Taurus – 6°40′ Gemini
  6. Ardra: 6°40′-20°00′ Gemini
  7. Punarvasu: 20°00′ Gemini – 3°20′ Cancer
  8. Pushya: 3°20′-16°40′ Cancer
  9. Ashlesha: 16°40′-30°00′ Cancer
  10. Magha: 0°-13°20′ Leo
  11. Purva Phalguni: 13°20′-26°40′ Leo
  12. Uttara Phalguni: 26°40′ Leo – 10°00′ Virgo
  13. Hasta: 10°00′-23°20′ Virgo
  14. Chitra: 23°20′ Virgo – 6°40′ Libra
  15. Swati: 6°40′-20°00′ Libra
  16. Vishakha: 20°00′ Libra – 3°20′ Scorpio
  17. Anuradha: 3°20′-16°40′ Scorpio
  18. Jyestha: 16°40′-30°00′ Scorpio
  19. Mula: 0°-13°20′ Sagittarius
  20. Purva Ashadha: 13°20′-26°40′ Sagittarius
  21. Uttara Ashadha: 26°40′ Sagittarius – 10°00′ Capricorn
  22. Shravana: 10°00′-23°20′ Capricorn
  23. Dhanishta: 23°20′ Capricorn – 6°40′ Aquarius
  24. Shatabhisha: 6°40′-20°00′ Aquarius
  25. Purva Bhadrapada: 20°00′ Aquarius – 3°20′ Pisces
  26. Uttara Bhadrapada: 3°20′-16°40′ Pisces
  27. Revati: 16°40′-30°00′ Pisces

The Significance of Nakshatra Spans in Astrology

Each Nakshatra’s span is vital for astrological predictions, particularly in birth chart analysis and Muhurta (electional astrology). The specific position of planets within these spans determines their strength, quality, and influence over different aspects of life. For instance, the Moon’s position in a Nakshatra can explain deep emotional patterns, while the Sun’s position might highlight fundamental personal traits.

Exploring Nakshatras with PocketPandit

For those interested in diving deeper into the world of Nakshatras and understanding their personal zodiac spans, PocketPandit offers an innovative solution. With its advanced tool, PocketSoft, users can explore their Nakshatra placements, calculate auspicious timings, and gain insightful astrological predictions. PocketPandit integrates ancient wisdom with modern technology, providing accessible, detailed astrological analyses through its website pocketpandit.com/ask and mobile app.


Nakshatras and their zodiac spans offer a detailed and nuanced understanding of Vedic astrology’s rich tapestry. By exploring these celestial divisions, individuals can unlock profound insights into their personalities, destiny, and the best times for important life activities. With tools like PocketPandit, accessing this ancient knowledge is more feasible than ever, bridging the gap between cosmic events and personal reality.

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