Understanding Sarvashtakavarga: A Comprehensive Tool in Vedic Astrology

April 21, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the diverse landscape of Vedic Astrology, Sarvashtakavarga stands out as a pivotal system that enhances the way astrologers predict key life events and assess planetary influences. This system, known for its detailed point-based analysis of planetary strengths within an individual’s horoscope, provides a quantifiable approach to understanding astrological influences. This blog explores the intricacies of the Sarvashtakavarga system, its significance, and how modern technologies like PocketPandit are making it more accessible to everyone.

Introduction to Sarvashtakavarga

Sarvashtakavarga is one of the most dynamic and informative systems in Vedic Astrology. It evaluates the strength of each planet as well as the overall strength of each house in a birth chart. By calculating the points (bindus) that each planet contributes to the houses, this system helps astrologers predict the efficacy of planetary influences across various life areas such as career, relationships, health, and wealth.

Components and Functionality of Sarvashtakavarga

The Sarvashtakavarga system consists of a series of charts, each representing a specific planet including the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the Ascendant. Each chart is called a Bhinna Ashtakavarga and shows how many points a particular planet adds to every house in the chart. The sum total of all these points in each house is then compiled into the Sarvashtakavarga chart.

Analyzing and Using Sarvashtakavarga

To utilize Sarvashtakavarga effectively, astrologers look at the point distribution in the houses during significant planetary transits, dashas (planetary periods), and when making predictions about forthcoming life events. This system allows for a nuanced understanding of timing and potential outcomes based on planetary influences.

For example, if an individual is considering a job change or career move, an astrologer would examine the points in the tenth house of career. If the tenth house has a high number of points, and benefic planets are transiting or activating this house, it could be an excellent time to make such a move.

Practical Applications of Sarvashtakavarga

The practicality of Sarvashtakavarga extends beyond mere predictive astrology. It is an invaluable tool for:

  • Elective Astrology: Choosing the best times for important life events like marriages, business launches, and other significant beginnings.
  • Relocation Decisions: Assessing how a move to a new location might impact an individual’s life, based on planetary influences in different geographical directions.
  • Health and Well-being: Gauging periods of potential health challenges or opportunities for enhancing physical and mental health.

Understanding Sarvashtakavarga Scores

In the Sarvashtakavarga system, the scores typically range as follows:

  • High Score: 30-35 points. Houses with this score are considered very powerful and indicate strong success and positive outcomes in areas associated with the house.
  • Medium Score: 25-29 points. These scores suggest moderate results, with potential for success depending on other astrological factors in the chart.
  • Low Score: Less than 25 points. Low scores may indicate challenges and fewer benefits in the areas of life represented by the house.

These scores help astrologers provide more precise guidance based on the strength or weakness of specific houses in a birth chart.

Integrating Sarvashtakavarga with PocketPandit

Embracing the fusion of traditional astrology with innovative technology, PocketPandit brings the ancient wisdom of Sarvashtakavarga into the digital age. Through PocketPandit’s feature, PocketSoft, users can effortlessly calculate the Sarvashtakavarga of their horoscope. This feature simplifies what was traditionally a complex calculation, making it accessible to both seasoned astrologers and novices alike.

For those seeking immediate and real-time astrological guidance, PocketPandit offers digital predictions at the touch of a button. By visiting pocketpandit.com/ask or downloading the PocketPandit app, users can access personalized predictions and detailed astrological insights quickly and efficiently.

The Relevance of Sarvashtakavarga Today

As the world becomes increasingly complex, the clarity offered by systems like Sarvashtakavarga is more relevant than ever. Its ability to provide detailed and quantifiable insights into the potential outcomes of various life decisions makes it an indispensable tool in the arsenal of modern Vedic astrologers.


Sarvashtakavarga is not just a traditional astrological method; it is a bridge connecting the ancient and the modern, the past and the present. With tools like PocketPandit, this age-old system is now accessible to anyone seeking deeper understanding and guidance under the vast umbrella of Vedic astrology. Whether you are an enthusiast or an expert, Sarvashtakavarga offers profound insights that are both practical and profound, aiding in the navigation of life’s myriad paths.

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