Exploring Satabisha Nakshatra: The Veil of Mystery and Healing

May 3, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes


Satabisha Nakshatra, positioned from 6°40′ to 20°00′ in Aquarius, is known for its enigmatic and healing qualities. Governed by the shadowy influence of Rahu and overseen by the deity Varuna, god of cosmic waters and sky, this Nakshatra is often associated with deep, hidden aspects of life, including healing, mysteries, and the esoteric arts. Its symbol, an empty circle, represents the infinite potential and the mysterious void from which all of life springs.

Fundamental Characteristics

  • Zodiac Range: 6°40′ – 20°00′ Aquarius
  • Ruling Planet: Rahu, enhancing the Nakshatra’s mysterious and transformative qualities.
  • Deity: Varuna, the overseer of cosmic order and the celestial oceans.
  • Symbol: Empty Circle, symbolizing completeness, inclusivity, and cosmic secrets.
  • Gana: Rakshasa (Demon), indicating fierce and challenging traits.
  • Quality: Chara (Moveable), suggesting adaptability and changeability.
  • Caste: Butcher, reflecting a connection to transformation and transition.
  • Animal Symbol: Female Horse, known for its freedom and power.
  • Bird: Raven, a symbol of mystery and intelligence.
  • Tree: Common Bur Flower, associated with healing properties.
  • Sounds: Go, Saa, See, Soo, aligning with the mystical energies of this Nakshatra.
  • Yoga Tara (Fixed Stars): Positioned at 18 degrees, marking significant celestial influences.
  • Padas (Quarters):
  • Pada 1: Sagittarius (Fire)
  • Pada 2: Capricorn (Earth)
  • Pada 3: Aquarius (Air)
  • Pada 4: Pisces (Water)

Each pada contributes its elemental energy to Satabisha, enhancing its complex nature.

Mythological Background

Varuna’s dominion over the cosmic and terrestrial waters positions him as a pivotal figure in Vedic astrology, representing deep psychic and spiritual cleansing. As a deity with a thousand eyes, represented by the stars, Varuna sees all, including the hidden truths and the underlying fabric of the universe. His connections to the underworld and his role as a healer illustrate the dual nature of revealing and concealing truths, making him a guardian of both health and esoteric knowledge.

In the Vedic texts, Varuna’s multifaceted nature as a creator and enforcer of cosmic laws and his ability to bind and release spiritual energies are well documented. His relationship with Mitra, representing the light and dark aspects of the solar influence, adds a layer of depth to understanding day and night cycles and their spiritual implications.

Influence on Personality and Life

Individuals born under Satabisha Nakshatra are often characterized by their introspective and secretive nature. They possess a natural inclination towards healing, research, and exploring the mysteries of life. These natives might thrive in professions related to medicine, psychology, astrology, and research where they can explore the depths of the unknown and aid in the transformation of others.

Spiritual and Esoteric Significance

Satabisha strongly connects with the journey of self-discovery and the unearthing of hidden truths. It encourages individuals to dive deep into the ocean of their unconscious, bringing forth healing and enlightenment through introspection and understanding of the deeper cosmic rhythms.

Exploring Nakshatras with PocketPandit

For those interested in delving deeper into the influences of Nakshatras like Satabisha, PocketPandit offers an array of tools and insights. Through PocketSoft technology, enthusiasts can explore detailed astrological insights and understand the deeper connections of their personal celestial influences, accessible via pocketpandit.com/ask or through the mobile app.


Satabisha Nakshatra serves as a portal to the deeper and often hidden layers of existence. It offers a unique blend of challenges and rewards, pushing individuals to explore beyond the surface and embrace the transformative power of the unknown. By fostering an understanding of the complex interplay between revelation and concealment, Satabisha provides a path to profound healing and personal growth, making it a truly mysterious yet enlightening celestial influence.

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