Understanding Divisional Charts in Vedic Astrology

April 24, 2024
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Vedic astrology, an ancient Indian science, offers a unique lens through which to view the complexities of human life and fate. Central to this approach are the divisional charts, or ‘Varga’ charts, which are derived from the main birth chart, known as the Rashi Chart or D-1 chart. Each divisional chart serves a distinct purpose by focusing on different aspects of life, from wealth and career to spiritual inclinations and marital harmony.

1. D-1 Chart (Rashi Chart): This is the primary chart used to analyze an individual’s overall life. It shows general physical traits, personality, and the broad outline of life events.

2. D-2 Chart (Hora Chart): The Hora chart focuses on wealth and financial resources. It divides each zodiac sign into two equal parts, assessing an individual’s potential for acquiring and managing wealth.

3. D-3 Chart (Drekkana Chart): This chart is used to understand siblings, courage, and fortitude. Each zodiac sign is divided into three equal parts, providing insights into the native’s relationships with siblings and their own courage.

4. D-4 Chart (Chaturthamsha Chart): Pertinent to property, land, and the overall fortune of the individual, the D-4 chart divides each zodiac sign into four parts. It helps predict the likelihood of owning land and the comforts of the home.

5. D-5 Chart (Panchamsha Chart): This chart provides insight into the individual’s power, leadership, and fame. It divides each zodiac sign into five parts and is particularly useful for understanding a person’s potential in politics or high-ranking positions.

6. D-6 Chart (Shashtamsha Chart): The D-6 chart focuses on health and enemy troubles. It divides each zodiac sign into six parts and is essential for diagnosing the intensity of illnesses and physical challenges, offering a deeper look at vulnerabilities.

7. D-7 Chart (Saptamsha Chart): This divisional chart deals with children and childbirth. It divides each zodiac sign into seven parts, offering insights into matters related to progeny.

8. D-9 Chart (Navamsha Chart): One of the most crucial divisional charts, the D-9 chart is used to refine predictions made in the birth chart, focusing on marriage, spousal qualities, and fortune enhancement.

9. D-10 Chart (Dasamsha Chart): The Dasamsha chart is essential for career and professional life predictions. It divides each zodiac sign into ten parts and provides details on career prospects, achievements, and success in professional life.

10. D-11 Chart (Ekadashamsha Chart): This chart is used to assess earnings and gains. Dividing each zodiac sign into eleven parts, it provides insights into how and where the native might gain wealth, often indicating less conventional sources of income.

11. D-12 Chart (Dwadashamsha Chart): This chart is used to analyze parental relationships. Each sign is divided into twelve parts, giving insights into the relationship dynamics with parents.

12. D-16 Chart (Shodashamsha Chart): Focusing on vehicles, pleasures, and general happiness, the D-16 chart divides each zodiac sign into sixteen parts. It is helpful for predicting the type and luxury of vehicles one might own.

13. D-20 Chart (Vimsamsha Chart): This chart is specifically used for assessing spiritual and religious inclinations. It divides each zodiac sign into twenty parts, offering a deeper understanding of the individual’s spiritual path and rituals.

14. D-24 Chart (Chaturvimshamsha Chart): Also known as the Siddhamsha chart, it focuses on education and learning. Each zodiac sign divided into twenty-four parts, this chart helps in understanding the academic and intellectual pursuits of an individual.

15. D-27 Chart (Saptavimshamsha Chart): This chart deals with the strengths and weaknesses of an individual. Each sign is divided into twenty-seven parts, revealing innate qualities and vulnerabilities.

16. D-30 Chart (Trimsamsha Chart): The D-30 chart is used to assess misfortune and obstacles. Dividing each zodiac sign into thirty parts, it helps in understanding challenges and the darker aspects of life.

17. D-40 Chart (Khavedamsha Chart): This chart is occasionally used and splits each sign into forty parts, providing insights into ancestral inheritance and the native’s connection to their past.

18. D-45 Chart (Akshavedamsha Chart): Similar to the D-40, this chart divides each sign into forty-five parts and is used to study more specific and subtle family traits passed down through generations.

19. D-60 Chart (Shashtiamsha Chart): Considered one of the most significant divisional charts after the Navamsha, the D-60 chart divides each zodiac sign into sixty parts. It provides detailed and nuanced insights into all aspects of life, often revealing karmic details and deep-seated patterns.

Introducing PocketPandit

In the realm of digital astrology, PocketPandit stands out with its cutting-edge technology that integrates seamlessly with the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. One of its standout products, PocketSoft, is capable of calculating all divisional charts effortlessly. For those seeking real-time, instant digital predictions for everyday life issues, PocketPandit offers a practical solution. Simply visit pocketpandit.com/ask or install the PocketPandit app to access personalized astrological insights anytime, anywhere.


Each of these divisional charts is a sophisticated tool in Vedic astrology, allowing astrologers to narrow down and focus on specific areas of an individual’s life. By analyzing these charts, astrologers can provide more accurate predictions and offer guidance tailored to the native’s unique astrological blueprint.

In conclusion, divisional charts in Vedic astrology are not just supplementary tools but foundational elements that enhance the understanding of an individual’s chart significantly. They help in dissecting and examining finer details of life that the main birth chart might not fully reveal. Whether you’re exploring your financial potential through the Hora chart or delving into marital compatibility via the Navamsha, these charts provide invaluable insights that help in navigating life’s multifaceted journey.

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