Understanding Pushya Nakshatra: The Star of Nourishment

May 1, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes


Pushya Nakshatra, extending from 3°20′ to 16°40′ Cancer, is one of the most auspicious constellations in Vedic astrology. Governed by Saturn and represented by the udder of a cow, a symbol of abundance and nourishment, Pushya is associated with divine benevolence and spiritual richness. This Nakshatra’s influence is deeply connected to Brihaspati, the Guru of the Gods, whose wisdom and knowledge are as nourishing as the symbolic milk from the cow’s udder.

Fundamental Characteristics

  • Zodiac Range: 3°20′ – 16°40′ Cancer
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn, embodying structure, discipline, and longevity
  • Deity: Brihaspati, the teacher of the gods and master of sacred lore
  • Symbol: Udder of a cow, indicating nourishment; and a flower, representing growth and purity
  • Gana: Deva (Divine), signifying the inherent goodness and auspicious qualities of Pushya
  • Quality: Laghu and Kshipra (Light and Swift), suggesting ease and quick benefits
  • Caste: Kshatriya (Warrior), denoting protectiveness and valor
  • Animal Symbol: Male Goat, a symbol of sure-footedness and agility
  • Bird: Sea Crow, representing exploration and survival instincts
  • Tree: Peepal tree and Sacred Fig, trees noted for their spiritual and environmental significance
  • Sounds: Hoo, Hay, Ho, Da, guiding the vibrational aspects of this Nakshatra
  • Yoga Tara (Fixed Stars): A crucial point at 15° Cancer
  • Padas (Quarters):
  • Pada 1: Leo (Fire)
  • Pada 2: Virgo (Earth)
  • Pada 3: Libra (Air)
  • Pada 4: Scorpio (Water)

Each pada imparts distinct energies to Pushya, influencing the Nakshatra’s expression through various elements.

Mythological Background

Brihaspati, the deity linked to Pushya Nakshatra, is a central figure in many Vedic tales. As the Guru of the Gods, Brihaspati’s wisdom encompasses everything from sacred speech to celestial rituals. His birth to Sage Angiras and his wife Shraddha marked him for greatness, setting him on a path of scholarly brilliance that would eventually see him rival Shukracharya, the mentor of the demons.

The narrative of Brihaspati also involves personal turmoil, particularly his conflict with the Moon God, Chandra, who eloped with his wife, Tara. This celestial drama led to a great war between the Devas, led by Brihaspati, and the Asuras, sided with Chandra. The resolution came uniquely when Brihaspati accepted Mercury, the child born from Tara’s union with Chandra, impressed by the child’s intelligence.

Influence on Personality and Life

Natives of Pushya Nakshatra are often characterized by their nurturing nature and a strong inclination towards caring for others. Their lives are typically marked by a desire to foster growth, whether in their personal relationships or professional endeavors. They often excel in fields that require patience, persistence, and a caring attitude, such as education, healthcare, and social work.

Spiritual and Esoteric Significance

Pushya Nakshatra’s connection to the divine guru Brihaspati infuses it with a profound spiritual essence. This Nakshatra is often sought for spiritual rituals because it is believed to enhance the effects of any spiritual practice undertaken within its influence. It is a time for feeding the soul and expanding the mind.

Exploring Nakshatras with PocketPandit

For those interested in a deeper exploration of Nakshatras such as Pushya, PocketPandit provides an invaluable resource. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of PocketSoft, users can calculate various astrological parameters with precision. For day-to-day questions and personalized predictions, PocketPandit offers services accessible via pocketpandit.com/ask or through the mobile app, blending traditional astrological practices with modern digital convenience.


Pushya Nakshatra, with its rich symbolism of nourishment and care, serves as a reminder of the importance of sustenance in all forms—physical, emotional, and spiritual. The lessons of Brihaspati, emphasizing wisdom, forgiveness, and intellectual growth, resonate deeply with those influenced by this Nakshatra. As we reflect on Pushya’s qualities, we are reminded of the need to nurture not just ourselves but also the communities and environments we are part of. This Nakshatra encourages us to spread benevolence and to enrich the lives of others, just as the cow’s udder generously provides nourishment


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